Remove magento footer links.

If you want to remove the “Help Us to Keep Magento Healthy – Report All Bug” from footer, navigate to


of your theme assuming that you are using default magento theme . Otherwise navigate to your related theme file and remove the following line

<p class="bugs"><?php echo $this->__('Help Us to Keep Magento Healthy') ?> - <a href="" onclick="'_blank'"><strong><?php echo $this->__('Report All Bugs') ?></strong></a> <?php echo $this->__('(ver. %s)', Mage::getVersion()) ?></p>

If you want to remove the menus seens in the footer like “Site Map, Search Terms, Advanced Search, Orders and Returns, Contact Us” Then remove the following code from page.xml

<block type="page/template_links" name="footer_links" as="footer_links" template="page/template/links.phtml"/>

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